24 October 2011


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

- This act, this sweet, innocent, mighty and powerful act is all we need in life next to love. They say love is all we need, but love only exists where imperfection is acknowledged and yet it doesn't drive the person away. It is so pure in it's highest form, because it embraces the good and the bad and through the eyes of love and forgviness there can be no harm. Forgiveness teaches compassion and kindness. To those who have never been forgiven before, it may open a new world to their otherwise narrow mind that doesn't allow them to see to the core of a true person. When a person has been nothing but true all the way and one time acts in a way that may hurt another, adress the issue and talk about it don't assume, don't judge, and don't exclude the other person of your feelings - they have a right to know. They also have a right to explain themselves, because believe there will come a day when you yourself will look for forgiveness. If you won't get it you'll feel that agonizing feeling of being mistreated and unfairly judged. When you love someone you don't let that person walk away, and you don't shut the door in their face as they are trying to reach out to you.

Treat people how you yourself want to be treated.

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