8 January 2011

Green Island

Sound of the ocean. A soothing feeling, almost theraputic. Sitting by the shore everything suddenly feels perfect. Old school music in the background, a bonfire, tropical weather and summertime. What more can you ask for.

Waves of the water feels like new energy pumping the veins in my body. For the first time in a long time, I feel as free and possibly happy as the white birds soaring over my head.
There is something special about the ocean. The open water can make you feel both scared yet curious, happy and hopeful, but most importantly it has limited boundaries, a tremendous range making you feel like you can do anything and everything. The ocean has no limits, as far as the eye can see. Just like the human being knows itself from the inside out.

The mightiness, the powerfulness and the beautiness. The ocean teaches the control of power, mood and diversity. The amount of power the ocean holds is unimaginable to the human mind. In one day, it can wipe out the entire mankind. The ocean shifts in moods. It can be calm in the morning, then slowly but surely shift into a more agressive tone and rythm. Then it is also vastly diversified, but keeps it under the surface. The amount of different creatures it holds, probably more than the human being has ever seen itself.

The ocean, largely sized or not, should be respected. For it is more powerful than man ever will be. Instead of being fearful we should turn fear of the unknown into a lesson learned everyday. Instead of pushing it away, embrace the huge richness it bares.
The ocean has created many wars and unecessary conflicts between countries all over the world. Access to the ocean is seen as a huge asset, rightfully so due to the many wonders it keeps and keys to unlock closed or semi-closed doors.

The ocean is and forever will remain a mystery to those who choose to not get acquainted with it, and a lovely riddle to solve and draw inspiration from for those who do.

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