What's the purpose of certain things/moments happening in your life? Why do they occur?
- Today I lost my keys to then having the opportunity of reclaiming them once again. I had gone to the grocery store and when I got back to open the door there were no keys in the bag, in the jacket or anywhere else! They were completely gone, lost, never to be found again. I searched for about 20 minutes while all along feeling like it was hopeless, I wasn't going to find them. I called the landlord and asked if he could come open my door where I had the extra keys. But it wouldn't matter since they would have to redo the entire lock and change keys for safety reasons. While feeling that lump in my stomach almost like I wanted to throw up everything turns for a second, a glimpse of light is beaming through, an old uncle had found a bunch of keys and so the landlord was going to check it and then get back to me. I waited another 15 minutes. I sit outside with my groceries and look completely devastated with a thousand different thoughts running around my head. Where was I going to find the sources needed to fund the new set of keys? (Being a student with a tight budget, my income isn't exactly weighing up to my expenses this starting month.) Why is this happening to me? I really hope it's my keys that have been found! What am I going to do if they're gone?
Then he calls back. Your lucky, the number on the keys match your apartment number, I'm on my way. And it was like my entire world had been on the brink of collapsing to then land me on a pair of soft clouds in the light blue sky. I couldn't believe they were my keys, I had walked a pretty long way and yet they were found. All of this happened under 30 minutes. So I asked myself, why? Why did I lose my keys, went all crazy thinking all sorts of things, to then get them back? Why did this nice man pick up MY keys and turned them in, why didn't he just walk on by like any other person would do? What does this mean?
After some reflection the lesson to be learned could mean to become a good samaritan.
Good Samaritan Law - A law that requires able persons, without putting themselves at risk, to provide reasonable aid to persons who are injured, ill, or otherwise imperiled (jeopardized, endangered). Maybe all of this had to happen in order for me to really understand the impact of this man's actions. Now that has been passed on to me. I will always feel an obligation of turning something in if I've found it. Not because it would make me feel better, but it would mean the world to the person who have lost their personal item. We have to feel obligated and we need to pass it on, cause people are the ones making up this world and people are our only assurance of existence.
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