24 October 2011


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

- This act, this sweet, innocent, mighty and powerful act is all we need in life next to love. They say love is all we need, but love only exists where imperfection is acknowledged and yet it doesn't drive the person away. It is so pure in it's highest form, because it embraces the good and the bad and through the eyes of love and forgviness there can be no harm. Forgiveness teaches compassion and kindness. To those who have never been forgiven before, it may open a new world to their otherwise narrow mind that doesn't allow them to see to the core of a true person. When a person has been nothing but true all the way and one time acts in a way that may hurt another, adress the issue and talk about it don't assume, don't judge, and don't exclude the other person of your feelings - they have a right to know. They also have a right to explain themselves, because believe there will come a day when you yourself will look for forgiveness. If you won't get it you'll feel that agonizing feeling of being mistreated and unfairly judged. When you love someone you don't let that person walk away, and you don't shut the door in their face as they are trying to reach out to you.

Treat people how you yourself want to be treated.

When Harry Met Sally


22 October 2011

“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.”

20 October 2011

And it was all a lie...

"The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity."

19 October 2011

Realize your strength

"The last of human freedoms - the ability to chose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances."

17 October 2011

Brush it off

"You gotta get that dirt of your shoulder." - Jay-Z

- When someone disrepects you in any way shape or form don't seek vengeance, brush it off like it's nothing and rise above it.

We only get one chance at life.

“If someone wants to walk out of your life, let them.”

- Right now, this moment tonight I am feeling very inspired and full of life because everyday I keep realizing that life is so much bigger than me, it is bigger than all of us. There is no point whatsoever nagging and holding grudges about small things that aren’t even going to make any sense later in the future. If you know now already that what is bothering you will have no place in your future LET IT GO! JUST LET IT GO!! It is a complete waste of energy when you could spend that time being happy and focus on things that actually matters for YOU.

14 October 2011

Life will bring you there

Set goals in life but don't let it define who you are. You will eventually reach those goals and when you do, you will want to set new goals to achieve. When it comes to life and getting what you think you deserve, the human being never seems to be satisfied. In my opinion, that is a good thing. But, only if you learn to enjoy the process of reaching a goal, thus it is where the true lesson lies.

13 October 2011

I will rise

"You may shoot me with your words,
you may cut me with your eyes,
you may kill me with your hatefulness.
But still, like air - I'll rise."

- We all have it in us. It all begins with our thoughts, they form us into whatever we want to be and exactly who we want to become. For every bad situation that doesn't kill you, you always have the choice to learn from it and rise.
"You cannot undo the past but you can use the past to bring the future into existence."

12 October 2011

"Energy flows where attention goes."

- Basically; what you give your attention to gets bigger. Whatever you invest your thoughts in will also show to become a greater part of your life, negative aswell as positive.

11 October 2011

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you have.
It's funny how you think you've got someone all figured out until you actually sit down and hear their story.
- Listening is a true art and not all people master the skill.